"Take Five Good Minutes...."
I recently finished this book "Five Good Minutes in the Evening" by Jeffrey Brantley and Wendy Millstine. This book has short daily readings with tips and exercises that help you deal with stress, deal with a loss of a special person either from unexpected absence or death, and how to connect with yourself. As a real estate agent I work with people both clients and agents. My goal with my blog is not only to inform on local real estate but to connect with people and give information from my experiences and research. Helping people take life one day at a time and enjoying life!
The reason I highly recommend this book is that it is a fast, short read, giving you tips on how to take each day and enjoy it even with daily challenges or hurdles. We all have stress and have loss someone special to us. After recently losing a best friend what has gotten me through is hope, reading books to connect with myself and others, and doing research. I hope if you read this book it changes your life in a positive way like it has done to mine!
Here are some great tips I found instrumental in the book! I have applied a lot of these to my life and already feel re-energized and happier!! Some of the tips might seem silly...but they truly do bring positive energy and stress relief to your life!!
Enriching your Work Life:
1. When you arrive at your office in the morning take a deep breath, tell yourself "I am going to have a good day today", look at your desk and decide what is most important to get accomplished that day.
2. Take a lunch break, go on a short walk, stretch, eat a healthy lunch such as a salad or veggies and hummus.
3. Help someone out at work that needs direction or assistance. Act as a mentor or work together as a team.
4. Prepare a list of what tasks need done the next day and in what order they need done.
5. If you have a long commute to work, take deep breaths while driving in traffic. Look at the other drivers around you and think kind, happy thoughts.
6. Give someone a compliment at work on something they did well or how they made your day brighter.
Positive Home Life:
1. When you get to your front door and turn the key...leave ALL of your work thoughts back at work.
2. When you walk through your front door greet your dog, play with your pet, say hi to your kids and other family.
3. During the week treat yourself to a special restaurant, call a friend, meet a friend for dinner or a drink.
4. Read a book, journal about the great things that happened that day, exercise, help a friend by listening or giving advice.
5. Make sure you take time to laugh every day!! You deserve it! Laughter is positive energy.
6. Cook your favorite meal.
7. Before bed, make a cup of tea. Focus on the process of making the tea and selecting your favorite cup. This is a soothing practice.
8. In the evening when you are trying to sleep...think about a special person in your life ( past, or present), a favorite memory, favorite event, or place.
9. Write a letter or card to someone special.
Dealing with the Loss of Someone Special:
1. Journal about the good memories and times you had with the person.
2. Put their picture in a special place in your house where you can quietly escape to and reflect on the friendship you had with that person and mindfully wish them well.
3. Write down all the special things about that person and the kind things you would say to them.
4. Think happy thoughts about them and wish them well.
5. Be grateful for how you grew with that person in your life and how they positively influenced you.
6. Write a letter to them in your journal.
7. Take deep breaths and know you will always treasure the memories!
Hopefully you will want to read this book! These simple practices can make your life less stressed and you will be a calmer person. Check back soon for another review on a great book!!
Source: Five Good Minutes in the Evening
By: Jeffrey Brantley, MD
Wendy Millstine, NC